Ilana “Weenies” Wolpert

My name is Ilana Wolpert (most known at Mataponi as Weenies) and I’m a screenwriter living in Los Angeles. I grew up in South Florida and then went to Duke University, where I majored in English and Theater. I moved to LA after graduating college and worked as an assistant in the entertainment industry for a while before being hired to write full-time on a TV show. Now I write for both TV and film — most recently, I wrote on the High School Musical series on Disney+, and I also wrote the romantic comedy ANYONE BUT YOU, starring Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell, which will be in theaters this December. I was a camper at Mataponi from 2002 to 2008, and a counselor from 2010 to 2012 (AND a Jamboree marshal in 2012, which is still the life accomplishment I’m most proud of).
Social media: twitter.com/ilanawolpert, instagram.com/ilana_wolpert