from the bottom of our hearts for giving us the best day of our lives. I never had the opportunity to go to camp. I called my mom when we left on Saturday and I told her that I had never felt deprived that I didn’t go to camp, but I missed out bigtime that I didn’t go to Mataponi! It was magical!
Watching Riley with a huge, comfortable smile, pass by every girl and counselor, exchange waves, hug or direct hello by name, was the best thing a parent could ever want to see. She is at home.
She was, of course, crying when we left. Immy and Alexis took her on piggy back down to the bunk and the tears stopped within 5 seconds. Every friend who had visiting last weekend warned me that it was a day of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. I’m still waiting for even a millimeter below the highest!
Thank you for taking care of our daughter. She’s a huge barrel of fun and laughs and always up for a good time. Her personality and confidence get to shine at Mataponi.
Thank you
Marissa and Ross